Spring into Summer
4-week Session 2025
All Classes are for children 18 mos. and Up accompanied by a loving caregiver.
Wonder Studio Spring into Summer classes are a short 4 week sessions.
Make ups are available during any Open Wonder Studio date on the Schedule.
However, please choose a day/time that will allow you the most consistency in order to foster our community feeling.
Wonder Studio Spring into Summer Classes are each one hour
Register through Link Below VERY SOON
Move It
Build It
Change It
Collage 〰️ Paint 〰️ Sculpture 〰️ Move It 〰️ Build It 〰️ Change It 〰️
Making summer memories since 2013
Summer at The Wonder Studio
Summer is the only time of year, we allow you to “choose” certain classes allowing for summer vacation times.
This can make registration a bit more tricky.
Please be patient and take a few mins to read the directions below.
Please read the following directions before scheduling.
Example -
“I want to register for 5 out of 6 Summer Thursdays for my 2 children, but we are out of town on vacation the week of June 12.”
Here’s what you can do:
Click on Summer Studio Thursdays - “Book”
Choose quantity (drop down) “2”
Then use the calendar option below -
We are on vacation the week of June 12th - skip that date and
click on the calendar date - the highlighted circle date 19 and then click on the 9am time -
then choose “Select and add another time”
when I do this, I see it has added in the bottom right corner June 19th and so then I add another time by clicking on the additional dates and “adding another time” until I am finished. Then I choose “Continue” and I fill out the required paperwork and make the payment.
We ask that you choose at least 4 classes so we have consistency for both ourselves as teachers and for the benefit of your children.
If you need different days - Say 2 Thursday classes and 2 Wednesday 4pm classes, you must schedule separate days separately, Sorry about that.

Winter Spring 2025 Class Schedule -
No Classes the week of March 17-21
Parent - Child Classes
Ages 18 mos. and Up
The Wonder Studio Parent (or a loving caregiver) and Child classes are Arts and Science based Early Childhood classes.
We offer 12 Week Sessions in both the Fall (September - December) and the Winter/Spring (January - April).
Summer classes are shorter sessions offering flexibility for vacations/travel.
You pick your day/time (based on the schedule offered) and come to your class each week with the same group of adults and children. See the FAQ: Why we don’t do drop-in classes during our weekly sessions here.
Each class is one hour.
The routine of the class is completely guided and facilitated by your Wonder Studio teacher and follows this structure:
Entry - greeted by teacher - Children take off shoes - put items in cubby - wash hands.
Play time - the children can freely roam/choose from 5-7 different experiences that the teacher has intentionally prepared for the group. Our Wonder Studio curriculum has adapted and evolved over the past 15 years. It is a living and active curriculum based on the needs and desires of the children we have enrolled. It begins sequentially and grows and changes based on the observations of the teachers and adults . The curriculum is heavily guided by the interests of the children. Learn more about our Unique - one of a kind curriculum here.
Clean Up Time - this is a teaching time where the children and adults are gently and mindfully guided with techniques for transitions and clean ups that can impact your child for their entire lifetime. We look at clean up as one of our most important times at Wonder Studio. See more on clean up time here.
Circle Time - our group gathers to Sing our Wonder Studio songs (which you and your children will never forget ;) and the teacher adds in (when she feels the group is ready) one of the other Arts - Dancing, Storytelling, Puppetry.
Good bye - children are invited to say goodbye in whatever way they are comfortable with. A wave, a handshake, a look, a hug. Like the Entry greeting, we believe that Hello’s and Goodbye’s are key in building the relationship between the teacher and the child and is a key piece to our Belonging curricula. See more here.