Making summer memories since 2013
Summer at The Wonder Studio
Summer is the only time of year, we allow you to “choose” certain classes allowing for summer vacation times.
This can make registration a bit more tricky.
Please be patient and take a few mins to read the directions below.
Please read the following directions before scheduling.
Example -
“I want to register for 5 out of 6 Summer Thursdays for my 2 children, but we are out of town on vacation the week of June 12.”
Here’s what you can do:
Click on Summer Studio Thursdays - “Book”
Choose quantity (drop down) “2”
Then use the calendar option below -
We are on vacation the week of June 12th - skip that date and
click on the calendar date - the highlighted circle date 19 and then click on the 9am time -
then choose “Select and add another time”
when I do this, I see it has added in the bottom right corner June 19th and so then I add another time by clicking on the additional dates and “adding another time” until I am finished. Then I choose “Continue” and I fill out the required paperwork and make the payment.
We ask that you choose at least 4 classes so we have consistency for both ourselves as teachers and for the benefit of your children.
If you need different days - Say 2 Thursday classes and 2 Wednesday 4pm classes, you must schedule separate days separately, Sorry about that.