Dear one - I am here for you.

“Dear one, I am here for you.”

This week, we introduced the practice of using mantras for caregiving and parenting.

What is a mantra?

I described this practice as an energy that you embody as part of your parenting or caregiving toolkit.

For me, it’s a way of showing up for my children (and others) that doesn’t require any action or words…just my presence and attention.

When you remember, you just say it in your head and it does the work for you.

Try and it, if you haven’t already. Please, let me know if you have a mantra already or you tried this one. Was it helpful?

Here’s an article to read more about it:

Wants nothing time vs. Wants Something Time

I still use these concepts with my teenage children. I find it very helpful to have designated times for both in your day. Here’s a snippet of the article and a link below to read more.

 “The “Wants Nothing” Quality Time. That’s when the parent doesn’t want to do anything with the child, has no plans other than wanting to simply be with the child. Just floor-sitting, being available, being there with all the senses awakened to the child; watching, listening, thinking of only that child. It sounds easy, but few can truly do it. 

Most of us are used and conditioned to doing something. This is not “I’ve got-to-do-this” kind of time. It’s more a time for taking in and waiting. We fully accept the child’s beingness just by our own receptive beingness. We are telling the child that we are really there and aware. Not, “What shall I cook, clean, whom to call,” etc. If you really feel that you should do something during this time, then it’s not the right time. This is a free-flowing space in which the child shouldn’t feel he has to perform, because the parent is not sending out the kind of demanding messages that say, “I am here now, what would you like to do?” Most relationships are based on performance. We tend to stimulate our children to produce listening and watching. If the child seems to ignore you and is doing something completely on his own, don’t leave. It is very comforting to know that the parent is there, really there without the little person under pressure to have to do something to keep the parent’s attention.”

Also, there is the “Wants Something” Quality Time. This is when you do have a goal to accomplish something together, such as dressing, bathing, feeding, etc. This, too, should be regarded as quality time. You can make sure the child knows that this time is different from your “Wants Nothing” time by actually saying, “Now I want to diaper you,” “Now it’s time to get dressed,” etc. 

This is a time when you work for cooperation. If you think in terms of quality, you use the time for learning to do a task together when you expect the child to cooperate. It should become something you both enjoy doing together. Your availability is still there, except that during this time you also have expectations. This is the beginning of introducing and reinforcing discipline. 

Oil Pastels and Watercolor

What we did during the very cold week 2:

Circle time reading of Color Dance by Ann Jonas and we talked about mixing the colors at the easel and adding black and white paint for this week.

  • Clay slabs with potter’s tools

  • Insta Snow with our Construction vehicles and snow animals

  • Watercolor and Oil pastels creating a resist effect

  • Painting with Toilet brush cleaners (“Only at Wonder Studio”)

What did your child love at Wonder Studio this past week? Let us know!!

Join us this Saturday at Wonder Studio

We have two Saturday classes this weekend. 9am and/or 10:30. We would love to see you there. Saturday’s are a great time to have working parents or grandparents accompany them to Wonder Studio. We will have some activities that we don’t do during the week as well as some that we do. Register through the link below.

Artist in Residence - Evan has been hard at work again!!

What a beautiful surprise we all are in for this week when you come into the studio. Teacher and artist Evan made beautiful flower like designs from the kids artwork!! Check it out!!


Quiet Observation Time at Wonder Studio:


What’s going on at Wonder Studio this week?