How do children learn best?

“Children who participate in play-oriented early childhood classrooms show long-term academic gains.”

(Marcon, 2002; Lillard & Else-Quest,2006; Weiland & Yoshikawa, 2013).

The Wonder Studio classes focus on 3 major findings:

  1. Competence - Respect. Wonder Studio is based on a deep respect for young children and their innate capacity to learn through play. We believe children are strong, resilient, and wise. They are not empty slates for us to “fill up” with skills and knowledge that we think is most important. Instead, we believe children are able to direct their own play and learning and we follow their lead.

  2. Materials - High quality materials that engage the 5 senses are essential resources for young children to build the neuronal networks that will form the basis for everything they subsequently do.

  3. Relationships - We provide intentional experiences for children to develop and deepen their relationships with themselves, a teacher, caregivers, peers, environment, and materials.

(Infants and Toddlers at Work - Ann Lewin-Benham)

Everything at Wonder Studio is thoughtfully chosen and placed with the intention to create and provoke these relationships.

And… as Vygotsky (Early childhood psychologist) understood…

“Children learn best when an adult interacts in the process of using materials and when learning takes place as a social, collaborative process.”

Come and see for yourself.


Be Brave


The Rope on the Bridge ( Original posting April 28th, 2015)