Heading into Week 6
This is when it gets good! We consistently find after 5 or 6 weeks, the classes really start to come together. The children (unless they have been absent consecutively) are starting to feel comfortable with one another and with the other adults and teacher. Curiosity and learning begin to deepen.
One mom explained to me (going into her 2nd year at Wonder Studio) that her daughter is beginning to show Wonder Studio patterns. The first semester she stays away from the easel and messier areas, but the 2nd semester she is ready to dive in!
Another student, who is also going into his 2nd year at Wonder Studio spent the entire first year following his interests in the vehicles, blocks, ramps and balls…and just this last class, he started painting!!
And, one more story - a little guy going into his 3rd year at Wonder Studio, just this week, played with slime for the first time!
When we give our children repeated experiences, time, and support - they make leaps and gains. You will find this throughout their educations. It may feel like it takes them forever to talk, to read, to make friends, to play that instrument, to drive! But, if we are patient, loving, and supportive they will get there.
If you are curious about how to support your child’s Wonder Studio journey, let me know. Send me an email!
Offerings and invitations for your child this past week:
Wind Tunnel
Hammering Hearts
Bubble Wrap Printmaking
Make a Valentine station
Water Lab
Easel Painting
Teacher Megan read The Color Monster (Click on image to order from Megan’s Story Garden) and did a Dance Party to the song: L.O.V.E by Little Miss Ann, Amy D.
Teacher Shannon offered musical instruments and we learned the Magic Penny song (old folk song by Malvina Reynolds but I do the Bev Bos version)
Teacher Jamilee read “My Heart” one of my favorite books!!
Remember no Monday 4pm class this Monday 2/19 - It’s President’s Day.
Instead - we moved the class to Tuesday 4pm - 2/20.
How can I help my child play without me?
I love this question! I had more than one parent ask me about this.
Here is a link to a great podcast/article.
Janet Lansbury answers this question:
Hi. I follow your posts and do a lot of reading, but I’m still struggling with my three-year-old. She’s been this way since she was younger and I can’t seem to change it or improve it. She just won’t play by herself. She always needs my guidance or stimulation to play. It is driving me crazy as I have a 10-month-old to attend to, along with a myriad of household things to do. So I’m finding it hard. How do I encourage self play?
I’ve tried setting up activities and it never works. Help.
See the link below for the article/podcast AND let me know what you think!!